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Posted - 16/12/2008 : 21:52:21 Ho visto che nelle ultime versioni di Dcraw (v8.89) sono state aggiunte alcune opzioni che sembrano abilitate per default:
-v Print verbose messages -c Write image data to standard output -e Extract embedded thumbnail image -i Identify files without decoding them -i -v Identify files and show metadata -z Change file dates to camera timestamp -w Use camera white balance, if possible -a Average the whole image for white balance -A <x y w h> Average a grey box for white balance -r <r g b g> Set custom white balance +M/-M Use/don't use an embedded color matrix -C <r b> Correct chromatic aberration -P <file> Fix the dead pixels listed in this file -K <file> Subtract dark frame (16-bit raw PGM) -k <num> Set the darkness level -S <num> Set the saturation level -n <num> Set threshold for wavelet denoising -H [0-9] Highlight mode (0=clip, 1=unclip, 2=blend, 3+=rebuild) -t [0-7] Flip image (0=none, 3=180, 5=90CCW, 6=90CW) -o [0-5] Output colorspace (raw,sRGB,Adobe,Wide,ProPhoto,XYZ) -d Document mode (no color, no interpolation) -D Document mode without scaling (totally raw) -j Don't stretch or rotate raw pixels -W Don't automatically brighten the image -b <num> Adjust brightness (default = 1.0) -q [0-3] Set the interpolation quality -h Half-size color image (twice as fast as "-q 0") -f Interpolate RGGB as four colors -m <num> Apply a 3x3 median filter to R-G and B-G -s [0..N-1] Select one raw image or "all" from each file -4 Write 16-bit linear instead of 8-bit with gamma -T Write TIFF instead of PPM
Sono tuttora valide le opzioni "-r 1 1 1 1 -o 0 -K 0 -4 -T" per escludere qualsiasi elaborazione tranne la demosaicizzazione?
Grazie Marco
2 U L T I M E R I S P O S T E (Le più recenti in alto)
Posted - 17/12/2008 : 09:10:29 Grazie per la risposta.
Che ne dici di un bell'articolino su Dcraw con le varie possibilità offerte dalle opzioni e i risultati conseguenti?